No to Contemporary Art
A play with different forms of language holding many different meanings, No to Contemporary Art is an invitation to controversy and debate on Contemporary Art, its definition and its relationship to the world. Gaps and disparities, reversal of matters, where Contemporary Art would be visible enough to suffer an international popular protest.

Jeu de langage à multiples sens,
No to Contemporary Art est une invitation à la controverse et à la discussion autour de l'art contemporain, de sa définition et de son rapport au monde. Décalage, retournement de situation où l'art contemporain serait suffisamment visible pour qu'il en subisse une manifestation citoyenne mondiale.


Transformation of the <em>café de l´Iselp </em>(Superior Institute for the Study of Plastic Language) into the headquarters of a fictional collective organising the first worldwide protest against Contemporary Art. poster, 600 x 800 cm poster, 150 x 225 cm poster, 150 x 225 cm poster, 150 x 225 cm poster, 150 x 220 cm poster, 150 x 225 cm poster, 150 x 230 cm poster, 150 x 230 cm poster, 150 x 200 cm poster, 150 x 183 cm poster, 150 x 225 cm poster, 220 x 150 cm c-print on aluminum,  80 x 106 cm c-print on aluminum,  80 x 120 cm c-print on aluminum,  80 x 97 cm c-print on aluminum, 110 x 166 cm c-print on aluminum, 110 x 148 cm c-print on aluminum, 110 x 166 cm postcards, edition T-shirt, unlimited edition