Killing an Arab
work in progress
This project first started at the beginning of the Syrian conflict.

The first version is a single copy of Killing an Arab (December 1978), first single by band The Cure, inspired by Albert Camus’ The Outsider. The record is covered in scratched, made voluntarily by the artist himself. The many scratches aim to illustrate the endless number of victims of the Syrian conflict.

The second version is a collection of copies of the single. In its first edition, only 15,000 copies of the single were released. By purchasing second-hand records of this first edition, the In Progress series attempts to count the number of victims in the conflict. Today, we know the death toll has by far exceeded 15,000 souls.

Projet initié au début du conflit syrien.

La première version est un exemplaire unique de Killing an Arab (décembre 1978), premier single du groupe The Cure inspiré du roman L'Etranger d'Albert Camus, griffé par l'artiste. Le disque rayé évoque le nombre sans fin des victimes du conflit.

La seconde version est la compilation du single. Killing an Arab a été initialement tiré à 15 000 exemplaires. A travers l'achat en seconde main de cette édition, la série in progress tente une comptabilité des victimes de ce conflit. Désormais la réalité est largement dépassée puisque le nombre de victimes est bien au delà des 15 000.


First edition of Killing an Arab (first single by The Cure) edited in December 1978. Scratched by the artist alludes to the Syrian conflict and its many victims. single, vinyl, paper, 56,5 x 56,5 cm, edition of 7